Seasonal Savings Accounts
With the change in seasons comes a change in financial needs. First Mid has two special accounts, with annual cycles for saving and maturing, to help you plan ahead for your seasonal expenses.
Christmas Club
Although counting the days until Christmas isn’t practical, it’s smart to begin saving early so that you don’t have to accumulate extra bills during the following holiday season! You choose the amount you want to save each week and make individual deposits into the account, or you can set up automatic deposits or automatic transfers from another account. Your funds grow throughout the year and when the account matures, your annual interest is paid, and the money you’ve saved is transferred to another designated First Mid checking or savings account.
Christmas Club accounts are also a great way to help kids start saving for gift-giving next Christmas!
- Minimum initial deposit only $1
- Automatically renewable
Contact Us for terms and conditions.
*Christmas Club accounts may only be opened between Mid-October and the end of January.
2024 Christmas Club accounts earn 0.40% Annual Percentage Yield.
Summer Savings
Do you have a home remodeling project or family vacation that keeps getting pushed aside? With First Mid’s Summer Savings, you can save ahead for those summer expenses. Just like a Christmas Club account, Summer Savings accounts have an annual maturity when interest is paid and the money you’ve saved is transferred to another designated First Mid deposit account. Whether you want to save a little for small projects or a lot for bigger occasions, this is the perfect account to help you budget your money for next summer.
- Minimum initial deposit only $1
- Automatically renewable
Contact Us for terms and conditions.
*Summer Savings accounts may only be opened between Mid-May and the end of August.
2023 Summer Savings accounts earn 0.25% Annual Percentage Yield.
To open a Seasonal Savings account, visit the First Mid banking center nearest you.