First Mid is Your Financial Education Resource

Diverse man giving financial presentation to students in classroom

We are committed to having a positive impact in all the communities we serve — whether it be through conducting financial education, providing access to capital for small business owners or providing financing for purchasing a home, or delivering financial services like Wealth Management and Insurance. First Mid is devoted to continually seeking opportunities to engage and partner with community members and organizations that promote economic development and support activities that revitalize or stabilize low-or-moderate income geographies.

As part of our ongoing Commitment to Community efforts, we are dedicated to partnering with community organizations to either conduct or sponsor financial education workshops. We have a fully developed library of materials that allow our employees to provide financial education in our communities. The presentations are tailored to cover topics appropriate for all age groups including K–12 students, adults, parents, and seniors. Schools, not-for-profit organizations, religious institutions, and more can submit a request for our Financial Education team to give a presentation about finances to various age ranges and life stages. Contact our Financial Education team here for more information.

In addition, we regularly post information on our website and other media sources on financial education topics such as budgeting, saving for retirement, and tips for first-time homebuyers. These Financial Education blog articles provide financial guidance for a variety of seasons and stages of life, and help you more easily understand our products.

Furthermore, we are here to help protect you from financial fraud, including scams and identity theft. Our Fraud Education blog articles provide information on a variety of scam tactics. For more information from First Mid about protecting yourself from fraud, click here.

Visit your local First Mid banking center, call us at 877-888-5629, or message us on Facebook if you believe there is an opportunity for First Mid to help make a financial education impact in your community.